In February 2005, under the direction of armchair-astronaut Olsen and using distributed computing techniques, HASA was able to pool a signal containing information for the construction of a U.T.O.(Unidentified Technical Object). Using symetric iterated blockcodified decoding technology ‘Laborant Olsen’ was subsequently able to detect within the signal references related to machine-like entities enabled to process information.
Excerpt from the project report:
After the successful integration of the HASA-Ingeborg-Explorer into HASAs distributed-computing network, for the first time from the thermal noise in the terrestrial space a signal could be bundled. In the header-element of the signal the sentence ‘Und ein Signal tanzt’ (synthetische Poesie aus Autopoem von G. Stickel, 1967) was encoded. After stripping redundant data from the body part of the signal a description of a machine-like conglomerate was decoded. —————————————————————
Currently the armchair-astronaut is frantically analysing the functionality of this ‘Und ein Signal tanzt’ (“And a signal dances”) entitled object.
◦ Diplomausstellung, HGK Zürich, CH, 2005