- Decoding the Black Box, Catalog for the exhibition, Hannah Eckstein & Marisa Zeisig (Ed.), Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen
- Zukunft ist, Catalog for the exhibition, Ana Baumgart & Daniel Franz (Ed.), Kunst für Zukunft Radolfzell
- Schießlhaus AiR, Catalog for the exhibition and residency program, Anna-Helena Klumpen & Katrin Savvulidi (Ed.), Kollnburg
- Perspectives. Futurisms, Catalog for the exhibition, Renate Wiehager (Ed.), Daimler Contemporary, Berlin
- Standardabweichung Scheckheftgepflegt, 64 pages, softcover with insert, thread-stitched, 21 x 21 cm, St. Georgen im Schwarzwald
- Autofrei.app Leporello with a text by Stephan Rößler, head of the Municipal Gallery Villingen-Schwenningen
- Agency Framework in Miyoshi, Kensho. Designing Objects in Motion: Exploring Kinaesthetic Empathy. Birkhäuser
- Affinity to Artefacts: Humans’ perception of movement in technological objects, Wolf, Oliver Olsen, PhD Thesis, Queen Mary University of London
- Look! It’s moving! Is it alive? How movement affects humans’ affinity to living and non-living entities, Wolf, Oliver Olsen and Geraint Wiggins, in: IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. issn: 1949-3045. doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2018.2820707
- Dawn of the living hairbrushes: humans affective responses to movement in artefacts, Wolf, Oliver Olsen and Geraint Wiggins, in Proceedings of HRI 2017 workshop on “The Role of Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction” at the Human-Robot Interaction Conference in Vienna, Austria
- Intersections – Co-organiser of the symposium discussing symbiosis between arts, media, science and technology
- Artists-in-labs: Recomposing Art and Science – book section. Case study as a reflective investigation into the processes of theory and practice in the arts and sciences, Irène Hediger and Jill Scott (Ed.), Zürich
- Blackbox – book section. Publication for the identically named series of events about processes of creation and production in art and design, Flavia Caviezel, Sabine Hagmann (Ed.), Tallin/Zürich
- Interview with Mr. Lui – Interview, 26 min, New York, USA. Mr.Lui and his Team are runnning CTL-Electronics in Lower Manhattan since mid 60’s. Since then he’s been serving and modifying equipment for many early video-artist and provided them with an editing facility known as the Eggstore
- Interview with Woody Vasulka – Interview, 69 min, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany. Woody and his wife Steina Vasulka are known as early video pioneers. They established the electronic video theater ’The Kitchen’ and curated the Eigenwelt der Apparate Welt: Pioneers of Electronic Art exhibition at the ARS-Electronica in Linz, Austria
Invited lectures
Digitales Schlaraffenland — eine Ode an die Binärarchitektur, thehost.is presentations, KX/Kampnagel Hamburg, DE
- Taming of chance – investigations into the poetics of zeros and ones, Creative Technologies Meetup, Studio Hammerdeich Hamburg, DE
- Affinity to Artefacts, International Design Week, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, DE
- Social relationship to objects – aesthetics, technology & design, Kultursonntag, St. Georgen im Schwarzwald, DE
- Research results on the robot hairbrush ‘Uruca Caliandrum’, Human-Robot Interaction Konferenz, Wien, AT
- Designing Behaviour, Vehicles for thought, Goldsmith University of London, UK
- HASA-Labs, mal-au-pixel Festival, Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, FR
- Technology as antennas for the imagination, Forum Design and Art, Hochschule für Gestaltung Basel, CH
- Teleonomies, Robots on tour, Science Café, Zürich, CH
- Sesselastronaut, Interview and artist profile, Servus TV, AT
- Interview, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zürich, CH
- Uruca Caliandrum, Blackbox Nr.4, Corner College, Zürich, CH
- Artist talk, Dorkbot, Tokyo, JP
- Speculatrix Procarya, Puredata Convention, Montreal, CA
- Artist talk and presentation of experimental video works, Harvestworks, New York, USA