Krach, Klang, Rhythmus und Musikmaschinen

Noise, sound, rhythm and musical machines

2022 | Workshop as part of the series KIDS&KUNST at Kunstverein Global Forest.

In Friedrichstrasse 5a, the headquarter of the Kunstverein Global Forest, bicycle bells used to be built. Many sounds are still hidden in the building. In this workshop, we will elicit rhythmic sounds from all kinds of things we find in the building. To do this, we will solder together small electromechanical bells and drum machines with which we will create noise, sound, rhythm and music. At the opening, there will be a big concert in which we will present our noise discoveries and sound machines!

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Krach, Klang, Rhythmus und Musikmaschinen
Krach, Klang, Rhythmus und Musikmaschinen
Krach, Klang, Rhythmus und Musikmaschinen
Krach, Klang, Rhythmus und Musikmaschinen
Krach, Klang, Rhythmus und Musikmaschinen
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