Wie klingts eigentlich wenn man alle zugleich reinhaut (Vierknopftypus per Fernbedienung)

How does it actually sound when you hammer them in all at the same time (four-button type via remote control)

commercially available central locking system for retrofitting, car battery | 160 x 120 x 10 cm
Exhibition view KFZ Radolfzell, Photos: Ana Baumgart, Video: Olsen

Crucifixion is a popular and controversial subject in art. Here, in the exhibition of a former car repair shop, it is taken on the cross as an interactive installation through the resurrection of a central locking system that has been lying dormant in the artist’s attic for years. Parallels between technology and theology meet in the centre and the question arises as to what power of action the press of a button can entail: All four pistons can be operated simultaneously using the remote control provided.


Zukunft ist, KFZ Radolfzell, 2024

Many thanks to Ana Baumgart & Daniel Franz